How do you accurately measure
how fit and healthy you are?
You can: Weigh yourself.
You can: Measure yourself with a tape measure.
You can: (if you’re keen or you can be bothered) calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI))
The trouble is, ALL these methods are rough and ready – the most you can say is that they give you an approximation but there are lots of things they DON’T tell you. For example, you might have heard the term “skinny fat” where a person looks thin but has actually got fat round their internal organs. None of the measurements above will tell you whether you are “skinny fat” or not.
But now there is an answer to this problem. We have purchased a machine called a Fit 3D Scanner which takes over a million data points of your body and can tell you EXACTLY how fit and healthy you are.

It does this by creating a 3D scan of the body, putting all the measurements through a series of algorithms and then giving you incredibly detailed information about your health and fitness. What’s more, you see yourself as you really are – completely different from standing in front of a mirror and ignoring the bits that you’d rather not notice.
As far as you are concerned, the process is quite simple. You stand on the Fit3D scanner and one of our staff sets the machine to work. When it’s gathered the information it needs, it sends the results to you by email in easy-to-understand pictures and diagrams. As well as that, our staff member will take you through it so that you fully understand.
To see it in action, watch the video here:

We’ve not invested in this machine lightly – it has cost in excess of £10,000 but we have spent that money because we really believe it will help people to understand their bodies more and be in a position to make changes and improve. And the machine has a facility that enables you to actually SEE the changes as they occur over time by overlaying one scan on top of another.
It’s recommended that you do a scan every eight weeks so that you can track the changes in your body as they occur. Any less than that and the changes won’t be obvious and if you leave it too long, you run the danger of losing motivation and lapsing back into your old habits.
Booking Your 3D Scan
There are two options for booking your personal Fit 3d Scans.
Option 1
Buy TWO scans for £159
– OR –
Take advantage of our SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER and pay only £97, saving nearly 40%.
Option 2
Pay £35 a month
– OR –
If you book on our SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER it will only cost you only £20 a month (with no contract!) and use the 3D Scanner up to six times a year (roughly once every eight weeks as recommended)
For The Inquisitive Mind
Body Shape Rating (BSR)
The higher the body shape rating the better. A higher BSR indicates that a person’s body shape, as scanned, is in a category that is less at risk for health diseases than others with lower scores. For example, a BSR (Body shape rating) of 75% is less at risk of health complications based on shape, than 75% of the people that have scanned -and more at risk than the other 25%).Example Fit3D BSR result below with relative risk zones highlighted. : Actual results may vary. BSR SummaryFit3D extracted SBSI, ABSI, Trunk to Leg Volume Ratio, body fat percentage, and BMI from more than 26,000 scans. Fit3D then evaluated the correlation between each algorithm and calculated weights for the health risk outcomes from the overallFit3D user population. This results in a Body Shape Rating (BSR). A user can then understand how their body shape wellness compares with the rest of the Fit3D population.
A Body Shape Index Body Shape Index (ABSI) ABSI is a metric for assessing the health implications of a given human body height, mass and waist circumference. It is believed to make the body shape index (BSI) a better indicator of the health risks from excess weight than the standard body mass index. ABSI is a way to evaluate total body shape to avoid health and wellness risks associated with obesity. ABSI is a factor of the roundness/ circumference around the waist it is associated with BMI (body mass index) and height. The lower the calculation is, the healthier the person is. ABSI uses a basic method of waist-to-height ratio versus weight-to-height ratio (used to determine our BMI). ABSI is essentially a waist measurement, divided by height, equalling the final “number”. Anything above 0.5 is considered “elevated”. WC(BMI23×Height12) WC(BMI23×Height12)
WC: Maximum circumference of the waist that can be measured using a tape measure
Height: Height of body
BMI: Body Mass Index
Surface based body shape The Surface-based Body Shape Index(SBSI) is far more rigorous and is based upon four key measurements: the body surface area, vertical trunk circumference, waist circumference and height. SBSI is a more in-depth way to evaluated total body mass. It takes into account distribution of body weight and it has been found to be more accurate than using BMI(Body Mass Index). It measures and compares the amount of mass in the torso to the amount of mass in the rest of the body. The lower the score of SBSI the less likely there is a health risk and wellness related risks.
Formula Height 74×WC56 / BSA×VTC
WC: Maximum circumference of the waist that can be measured using a tape measure
VTC: (Vertical Trunk Circumference) Measurement is taken by threading a tape from the shoulder, through the crotch, and back to the shoulder while the subject stands fully erect with the weight distributed equally on both feet and the arms hanging freely downwards
BSA: Body Surface Area
Trunk to Leg Ratio
Trunk to leg ratio compares the volume of the trunk with the volume of the legs. This measure can only be used with body scanners. Research claims that having a higher percentage of body volume in the torso compared to the legs increases the chance of experiencing prediabetes, diabetes, high triglyceride counts, high blood pressure, metabolic syndromes, and other health complications.
Weight in the mid-section is highly correlated with visceral fat which is a type of body fat that exists in the abdomen and surrounds the internal organs. Everyone has some, especially those who are sedentary, chronically stressed, or maintain unhealthy diets. A different type of fat — subcutaneous fat — which builds up under the skin, has less of a negative impact on health and is easier to lose than visceral fat. In fact, excessive deposits of visceral fat are associated with a number of negative effects on health, including increased blood pressure; dementia; cardiovascular disease; hormonal imbalances; and insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. The deposits of fat act similarly to an organ and excrete substances that affect the surrounding organs. It’s thought that abdominal fat may be particularly risky because it’s near the main vein that carries blood into the liver from around the intestines.
Some of the substances excreted by the fat, particularly loose fat cells, can get taken into the liver and then influence the levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. Abdominal fat is also closely associated with increased LDL and decreased HDL cholesterol levels, as well as breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and colorectal cancer.
Losing Visceral Fat
People can often reduce deposits of visceral fat by a combination of aerobic exercise and changes in diet. Researchers recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic activity like brisk walking or jogging at least four times a week. Stomach exercises, like sit-ups, build muscle in the area, but won’t reduce this kind of fat. Additionally, resistance training, like using exercise machines, can help with subcutaneous fat, but not abdominal fat. Doing any type of aerobic exercise can have a significant impact on visceral fat, which may last for up to a year after any weight loss occurs.
In terms of diet, a meal plan that’s heavy on fruits and vegetables, high fibre foods like whole grains, and lean meats can help with losing visceral fat. It’s also best to avoid sugary drinks and products that are heavy in saturated fat, like butter or fatty cheeses, and use natural cooking oils that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Appropriate portion sizing is also important. As individual diet requirements vary, it’s best to consult a doctor or nutritionist when trying to lose abdominal fat.
BFP Body Fat Percentage
Body fat percentage is the user’s total fat mass divided by the total body mass then times by 100. This percentage includes essential body fat and storage body fat. Essential body fat. Essential body fat is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions. The percentage of essential body fat is higher for women than men, due to the demands of childbearing and hormonal factors. The percentage for essential Fat for men is between 2-5% and for women it is 10-13%.
Storage of body fat consists of fat accumulated in adipose tissue, part of which protects the internal organs. Without essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 from oily fish, nuts and seeds, it would be impossible for bodies to process nutrients like fat soluble vitamins A, K and D which assist in immune health. Storage Fat The other type of fat is called storage fat which is the result of a calorie surplus. When people eat, calories are not used for immediate functions for example: energy for respiration and to provide the fuel for the food for the heart. These calories are turned into triglycerides that make up storage fat. A frequent surplus of calories causes fat stores to accumulate. This results in weight gain.
Body weight is defined by a person’s mass or weight. It is the easiest metric to measure. However, body weight varies throughout the day, as the amount of water in the body is not constant. It changes frequently due to activities such as drinking, urinating, or exercise. Measuring body weight cannot always be accurate, body shape makeup and body composition is a much more accurate metric to determine the health and wellness of an individual. Fat mass. In biology, adipose tissue, body fat, or simply fat is a loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocytes. In addition to adipocytes, adipose tissue contains the stomal vascular fraction (SVF) of cells including preadipocytes, fibroblasts, vascular endothermal cells and a variety of immune cells such as adipose tissue macrophages. Adipose tissue is derived from preadipocytes. Its main role is to store energy in the form of lipids although it also cushions and insulates the body. Far from being hormonally inert, adipose tissue has, in recent years, been recognized as a major endocrine organ, as it produces hormones such as leptin, oestrogen, resistin, and the cytokine TNFA. The two types of adipose tissue are white adipose tissue (WAT), which stores energy, and brown adipose tissue (BAT), which generates body heat. Epicardial Adipose Tissue (EAT)
Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) is easily quantifiable visceral adipose tissue that is closely associated with cardiometabolic disease including heart failure because the visceral fat is deposited around the heart in the left ventricular.
Subcutaneous Fat
Subcutaneous fat is the fatty or adipose tissue lying directly under the skin layers. Subcutaneous translates to “under the skin.” It contains not only fatty tissues but also blood vessels, which supply the skin with oxygen and nerves. Subcutaneous fat is a shock absorber, helping to cushion our skin against trauma, and stores energy, which the body uses during periods of high activity. Subcutaneous fat differs from fat that lies deeper in the body and cushions our organs. This is called visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand is the fat we most see lying under the skin. Too much fat can cause the skin to become tight or stretched, and result in dreaded cellulite or a dimpled look of the skin. When subcutaneous fat is relatively small in amount, it tends to lie loosely under the skin layers and is therefore less visible.
Ectopic Fat
Ectopic fat is defined by the deposition of triglycerides within cells of non-adipose tissue that normally contain only small amounts of fat such as the liver, skeletal muscle, heart and pancreas. These fats can interfere with cellular function and organ function. It is associated with insulin resistance.
Lean Mass
Lean body mass (LBM) equals the total weight of a person’s bone and muscles minus their fat weight. Having a higher LBM is healthier because muscle is more metabolically active which increases metabolic rate. In addition, having more muscle mass provides greater strength and agility. Lean body mass is a component of body composition, calculated by subtracting body fat weight from total body weight: total body weight is lean plus fat. In equations: LBM = BW – BF Lean body mass equals body weight minus body fat LBM +BF = BW Lean body mass plus body fat equals body weight.
Waist Circumference
Waist circumference (distance around the waist) is a common measure used to check for fat held around the stomach. Having extra body fat around thestomach-morethan35 in. (88 cm)for women and more than 40 in. (102 cm)for men-increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes. It is a measurement used for people who are normal to overweight on the BMI scale (more than 35) it is a measurement associated with visceral fat and overall body shape.
Waist To Hip Ratio
The waist-to-hip ratio is another way of assessing abdominal obesity, and studies have confirmed that this measure relates significantly with cardiovascular, obesity and diabetes risk. To calculate the waist-to-hip ratio, measure both the waist and hip circumferences, then divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement. In women, the ratio should be 0.8 or less, and in men, it should be 1.0 or less. Meaning that in women the waist should be narrower than the hips, and in men, the waist should be narrower or the same as the hips.
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Metabolism refers to the processes that the body needs to function. Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy expressed in calories that a person needs to keep the body functioning at rest. Some of those processes are breathing, blood circulation, controlling body temperature, cell growth, brain and nerve function, and contraction of muscles.
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) affects the rate that a person burns calories and whether you maintain, gain, or lose weight. A person’s basal metabolic rate accounts for approximately 60 to 75% of the calories a person burns every day. It is influenced by several factors.
Body Composition
The more muscle a person has, the higher the metabolic rate tends to be even at rest. Muscle burns 3-5 times more calories than fat does.
The metabolic rate is highest during the periods of rapid growth. As people age, the amount of muscle decreases and metabolism naturally slows about 2-5% per decade after the age of 40 due to a decrease in lean mass and a greater percentage of body fatness.
The heavier a person is, the more calories they need. That’s one reason it’s easier to lose weight at the start of a diet, and harder later. The less someone weighs, the fewer calories they need.
Women in general, have a metabolic rate about 5-10% lower than men even if they are the same weight and height. Men generally burn more calories at rest than women because they naturally have more muscle.
Body Surface Area The greater the body’s surface area or skin area, the higher the BMR. Tall, thin people have higher BMRs.
Endocrine Glands
The thyroid hormones are the principal regulators of the metabolic rate. When the supply of thyroxin is inadequate, the BMR may fall 30 to 50%. If the thyroid is hyperactive the BMR may increase to twice the normal amount. The BMR in women fluctuates with the menstrual cycle. There is an average of 359 calories per day difference between its high point and low point. Pregnancy also increases metabolic rate. Secondary factors can also affect metabolic rate.
If the body perceives starvation either by real starvation or by extreme dieting, a person’s metabolic rate can go as much as 50% below normal. Diets below 1,000 calories a day can decrease metabolic rate. The body is programmed for survival and interprets the reduction in calories as starvation, and all systems slow down to conserve energy. During sleep, the rate falls about 10% below that of waking levels. Fever increases the metabolic rate about 7% for each degree rise in body temp. How much a person’s muscles as relaxed affects the amount of energy used.
The less relaxed the muscles are, the greater the metabolic rate. Emotional strain can cause increased tension and thus increase metabolic rate. That being said, do relax and get adequate sleep. People with sleep deprivation tend to have slower metabolisms and higher levels of cortisol, the hormone that can cause fat storage.
In addition to the factors that influence BMR, two other factors regulate how many calories the body burns each day:
The Thermic Effect of Feeding (TEF) is the number of calories used to digest, absorb, transport, and store the food consumed. This accounts forabout 10% of the calories used each day.•The Thermic Effect of Activity (TEA) is the rate at which a person burns calories while exercising and with normal movements. This accounts for about 30% of caloric needs. An inactive personal usually requires 30% more calories above basal, whereas a lightly active person might need 50% above basal, a moderately active person 75%, and a very active person 100%.
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in the arteries- the vessels that carry the blood from the heart to the brain and the rest of the body. A certain amount of pressure is needed to get the blood around the body. The pressure of the blood flowing through the arteries changes as the heart beats. The pressure in the arteries will be at its highest when the heart is contracting and pumping blood around the body and lowest as it relaxes while it fills with blood before pumping again.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure – or hypertension – means that the blood pressure is consistently higher than the recommended level. High blood pressure is not usually something that a person can feel or notice, but over time if it is not treated, the heart may become enlarged making it pump less effectively. This can lead to heart failure.
Having high blood pressure increases the chance of having a heart attack or stroke. There is not always an explanation for the cause of high blood pressure, but these can play a part:
• Not doing enough physical activity
• Being overweight or obese having too much salt in your diet
• Regularly drinking too much alcohol or
• Having a family history of high blood pressure
Heart Rate
Heart rate, also known as pulse, is the number of times a person’s heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate varies from person to person, but a normal range for adults is 60 to 100 beats per minute.
A normal heart rate depends on the individual, age, body size, heart conditions, whether the person is sitting or moving, medication use and even air temperature. Emotions can affect heart rate; for example, getting excited or scared can increase the heart rate. Most importantly, getting fitter lowers the heart rate, by making heart muscles work more efficiently. A well-trained athlete may have a resting heart rate of 40 to 60beats per minute.

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