We limit our yoga and Pilates classes to a maximum of ONLY 6 people, in order that the trainer can give individual advice and adjustments as the session progresses.
To join, or for more information, please contact us by clicking on the “Contact” tab above.
Small Group Pilates Classes
Pilates is a hugely popular exercise system that takes its name from the founder, Joseph Pilates who was practising during the first part of the 20th Century. To give you a better idea of Pilates here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

What do you actually DO in a typical Pilates class?
There are a wide variety of exercises but basically everyone lies, stands or sits on an individual mat. The instructor demonstrates and then guides you through the exercise, coming round and adjusting people, giving advice, correcting techniques as necessary. The exercises are all gentle but surprisingly effective. There’s no leaping around in a Pilates class!
I’ve never done Pilates before. Will I be OK to just come to a class?
Yes. The NHS recommends that classes are small so that everyone can get individual attention from the instructor. We have taken the advice of the NHS (unlike a lot of Pilates classes!). So even if you’re a complete beginner you will be looked after.
I have a bad back. Will Pilates help?
There’s some evidence that Pilates can provide pain relief to people with non-specific lower back pain. Because the classes are so small, our instructors can adapt exercises to suit individual requirements.
Will Pilates help me to lose weight?
The NHS say that because Pilates is classed as a muscle-strengthening activity, it can help you maintain a healthy weight. Classes can vary in intensity: they can be gentle, or dynamic and offer a solid workout. If you want to lose weight, you’re advised to combine Pilates with a healthy diet and some aerobic activities, such as swimming, walking and cycling.
What do I need to wear?
Anything loose and comfortable, which allows you to move easily. It’s a good idea to have some layers so that if you get hot or cold you can adjust accordingly. A Top Tip: as Pilates is always done without shoes, make sure you don’t wear your old socks with holes in them!
Do I need to bring any equipment?
No. All mats and any other small pieces of equipment such as foam rollers, “magic circles” and Swiss balls are provided.
Small Group Yoga Classes
Yoga as exercise is an ancient regime dating back over 2000 years and it is part of an Eastern philosophy which gives guidance on healthy ways to live and includes mindfulness and meditation.
To give you a better idea of Yoga, here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

Will there be joss sticks burning and will we have to do chanting?
No, no and absolutely no.
I’m not very flexible. Do I have to be flexible to do yoga?
No No No. If you ARE very bendy, you’ll be just tempted to flop into the postures and it’ll be much more difficult for you to gain any benefit from them. The best thing to be to do yoga is to be INFLEXIBLE.
Is yoga for relaxation?
Not in the way that you might think. You will be working hard during your yoga class but you’ll be taught how to relax and breathe properly WHILE you are in these challenging postures.
What do you actually DO in a yoga session?
Yoga is mat-based exercise. You’ll do a number of postures standing on the mat and a number lying or kneeling. There is great emphasis on breathing deeply (which has the powerful effect of getting oxygen into the blood) and you’ll hold the postures for a time (typically 30 seconds).
The instructor will come round adjusting you and correcting technique. The postures are also designed to calm the mind and aid concentration.
What do I need to wear?
Anything loose and comfortable, which allows you to move easily. It’s a good idea to have some layers so that if you get hot or cold you can adjust accordingly.
Do I need to bring any equipment?
No. All mats and any other small pieces of equipment such as blocks and folded blankets are provided

You won’t be asked to sign a long-term contract to commit you to six or twelve months like many other health and fitness organisations. We believe that once you start you’ll want to stay with us because our policy is to look after people. We keep numbers small so you can get lots of individual attention from the trainer. If for any reason you DO need to cancel your membership, all we ask is that you give us a month’s notice.
You can book as you go, week by week. OR – you are able to book into any class of your choice on a recurring basis, which means that your place on the class is guaranteed and you don’t have to worry about re-booking each week. What’s more, if you can’t make it for one session, you can cancel it online, on our App or by phone and book into another class at another time.
So, for example, imagine you can’t make your usual 9.00am Pilates class next Monday. Go online and cancel your space and then look for another class. You might simply find another Pilates class or you might decide to try a Yoga class. You won’t feel out of place because with our small numbers, the trainers will guide you through anything you’re not familiar with.
We only ask one thing of you: if you can’t make a particular session, cancel it to allow someone else to use your place.

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